General Information
What is CARSability?
CARSability is a cost-effective, easy to use web based skills assessment tool designed to identify training gaps for participants in automotive related occupations. CARSability does the following:
- Supports the Automotive Industry
- Assesses users to identify skills weaknesses within various occupations
- Provides detailed assessment results
- Locates training specific to assessment results
- Can assess all employees in a shop and provide owners with detailed results
- Can be used across multiple locations by corporate clients
CARSability assesses an individual for a particular occupation then pin-points exactly what weaknesses are found. CARSability then suggests training specific to the identified weaknesses by searching through a comprehensive database of automotive training. Training is matched exactly to the results of the assessment.
How does CARSability work?
Whether you are interested in a personal assessment, want to assess all the employees in your shop or want to analyze skills across all of your corporate locations, CARSability's simple three step process will provide you with accurate results quickly and easily.

1. Take An Assessment
CARSability allows you to take an assessment yourself or assign an assessment to an employee. An assessment is a series of comprehensive multiple-choice questions that cover all aspects of your selected occupation. To find out more about CARSability assessments please click here.
2. Review Results
After completing an assessment CARSability will provide you with detailed results. The results will highlight which sections/skill areas within the occupation you most have trouble with. CARSability helps identify your strengths and any skills gaps. To read more about CARSabilitiy's extensive results please click here.
3. Find Training
CARSability will identify training that you can take based solely on your assessment results. The tool will search through a database of Automotive Training and will locate courses that related to your specific skills gaps. To read more about Training Recommendations please click here.
What are the benefits of using CARSability?
CARSability shows detailed assessment results, pin-points training and provides shop managers and corporate administrators with a company-wide analysis of employee skills. By using the tool you can:
- Assess the skills of your personnel
- Identify specific skills gaps/deficiencies
- Get a comprehensive skills analysis of potential or newly hired employees
- Ensure your staff is getting the appropriate training
- Avoid costs for training you don't need
- Enable your business to become highly trained and more productive
How was CARSability created?
CARSability took four years to develop and involved over one thousand industry representatives from across the country.
Our assessment questions for each of the 34 occupations were written by teams of experts who specialized in one of the 34 specific occupations. These question developers were chosen for their experience in their respective automotive field. This ensured the highest quality of questions for each occupation.
Each of our questions was individually focus tested for quality by industry employers and employees who had explicit knowledge of the question's content.
To read more about CARSability development please click here.
What occupations can I assess with CARSability?
CARSability currently offers assessments for a wide range of business and technical occupations in the Automotive Industry.
For more information on CARSability Occupations please click here