Occupation Overview
Service Manager
CARSability breaks down a Service Manager's knowledge into seven broad categories.
- People Management
- Operations Management
- Business Planning
- Sales and Marketing Management
- Customer Satisfaction
- Office Management
- Safety
Service Manager assessments address the following topics in depth.
- Supervision
- Training and coaching
- Communications
- Human resource processes
- Scheduling
- Work flow process
- Facility and equipment
- Purchasing
- Inventory
- Review and action planning
- Warranties
- Gathering and reviewing data
- Creating the plan
- “Selling” the plan
- Sales management
- Marketing management
- Monitoring customer satisfaction
- Increasing customer satisfaction
- Restoring customer satisfaction
- Quality controls and standards
- Payroll
- Accounts receivable
- Management meetings
- Licensing and insurance
- Monitoring
- Occupational Health and Safety meetings
- Training
- Policies and practices
Occupation Development
CARSability was developed using an in-depth analysis of each occupation in the automotive industry. This detailed approach was applied to all asspects of the tool and allows CARSability to generate unsurpassed skills assessment results and to pin-point exact training recommendations. To read more about CARSability please follow the links below: